Sianga Kuyan - Founder

ourteam-siangaSianga is a former leader from a small, remote village called Kiserian in Longido District, Northern Tanzania. Sianga understands first-hand many of the challenges confronting his village and Maasai people.  Sianga now lives between Australia and Tanzania. He is the President, FWP Tanzania, and volunteer CEO, FWP Australia. 

Read his story here: Sianga's Story

In Australia

In Australia, our management committee is made up of dedicated people with wide-ranging experience in community development, management, finance, law and marketing.

Our Annual General Meeting is held every year late November /early December at which the Committee is elected for the following year.  We do, however,  welcome new members onto the committe at any time during the year, just contact:  


In Tanzania

We have a Board in Tanzania and employ our own Project Manager- Jenipher Richard +255 767984852 Email @This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.